Sound and Light Bath with Ahilya Horsfall

 Sat. April 20th, 3.30 – 5pm $110 What makes our Sound Baths different? Sound Healing in the Energy Enhancement System is powerfully magnified by the quantum bio-scalar technology which provides a coherent, high frequency energy that multiples the bodies innate healing ability. Join us with accredited Sound Therapist Ahilya Horsfall and bath in the sacred […]

Oneness Meditation Every Mon. 6 – 7pm

*Elevate your experience to the next level while bathing in the high level, magical frequency of the the EESystem! Come along and experience beautiful wisdom and simple meditation to enhance fulfilment in every area of your life. This is much more than meditation, it is transformative and healing on every level. Would you like to […]

Scalar Yin Yoga Tues 30th April & 14th May

Ali’s Yin yoga in the EESystem continues to be a great success and the next class is SOLD OUT. If you are interested please let us know as due to popularity, Ali is considering adding extra classes. Bi -monthly, next available session Tues 14th May (April 30th Booked out), 6-7pm, get in quick!

Sip & Glow

I am thrilled to invite you to Sip and Glow, a presentation of the world’s first clinically proven collagen activator while bathing in the beautiful frequency of our bio-scalar room!