Sat. April 20th, 3.30 – 5pm $110
What makes our Sound Baths different?
Sound Healing in the Energy Enhancement System is powerfully magnified by the quantum bio-scalar technology which provides a coherent, high frequency energy that multiples the bodies innate healing ability.
Join us with accredited Sound Therapist Ahilya Horsfall and bath in the sacred vibrations of Ahilya’s beautiful voice and therapeutic sound with medicine drum, paiste Gongs, Tibetan & Crystal bowls, harp, mantra, chimes, rain sticks and percussion.
What are the benefits?
Sound has been used in many ancient cultures for thousands of years to rebalance and realign our body, minds and spirits.
Many researchers are showing how music and sound frequencies can:
– Reduce anxiety and depression
– Boost the immune system
– Improve sleep quality
– Entrain particular brainwave activity
– Shift emotions and mood
– Increase energy levels
– Reduce stress & release tension on all levels
Sound therapy can rebalance the body’s natural rhythm, returning the body’s vibration to its natural state.
In sound therapy we work with what creates resonance and even resistance which then can lead to release of emotional & mental tension and energetic blockages within your being.
The great philosopher Edgar Casey spoke of how that in the future will heal through sound and light.
Join us and Experience this deeply nourishing Sound bath for yourself and feel the benefits.
Ahilya is an accredited Sound Therapist with the British Sound Academy.
The British Academy of Sound Therapy advises that Soundbaths may not be suitable for the following, so if you have any of these, please let Ahilya know prior to booking or attending a session.Women in the first trimester of pregnancy
any of the following medical conditions: seizures, epilepsy, clinical depression, bipolar or any serious mental health conditions.
any metal implants or plates in the body.
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Sound Bath with Ahilya Sat 20th April, 3.30 - 5pm $110