How long is a session, and how many hours will I need?

We have made 2-hours our standard session. There is no maximum exposure, you can sleep in and use the system all day (or overnight) if time permits. If you would like to try an hour session we can accommodate this as well.

Every person is different. Results will vary greatly depending on the individual and what other holistic approaches they are pursuing. Effects will be cumulative. We do recommend three two hour sessions as a starting point, of course this depends on your time and finances however the more sessions you purchase the cheaper they become.

Does the EES frequency depend on personal issues?

There is no targeting mechanism or frequency selection for any specific ailment. The technology is designed to provide a field that boosts optimal homeostasis and recharges the entire body on a cellular level for higher function. Also bearing in mind the body has a hierarchy of needs in relation to healing. You might wish to heal something but your body/mind needs to make adjustments elsewhere first in order for your current symptoms to improve.

How do I maximise the benefits of my Session?

Wear loose, comfortable clothing and an eye mask to close the senses. We recommend earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones are recommended for those who are noise-sensitive.
Drink plenty of water and take a sea salt bath after use to help with the detoxification process. We have the detox salts available to purchase or the recipe if you prefer to make your own. If you don’t have a bath, you can do a simple foot bath with the detox salts. We strongly recommend you detox after every session; this will optimise beneficial effects.
Come to your session with a clear intention of how you want things to be different in your mind and body.
Please do not use synthetic perfume or deodorant before entering our lounge.

What should I do while resting in the Lounge?

A – It is best to have the eyes closed down and either rest, meditate or sleep. The body does its best healing while in the delta and theta brain states. This is a time for you to unwind and let go so we don’t suggest reading or doing anything else that might engage the senses. Our lounge creates an atmosphere of peace and tranquility with mood lighting, relaxing music and an ambient temperature for your comfort.

Are there any Contraindications for EESystem use ?

The EESystem have been used safely for decades by people with a myriad of ailments including pacemakers and other devices. It is safe for everyone including pregnant women and children.

If you do have diabetes please note that you may need to monitor blood sugar levels carefully as your requirement for medication may change during and after time in the EEsystem.

What is the key difference between the sizes of the Energy Enhancement System?

While all number of units are very powerful, more units equate to more energy, more field density, more vectors. Basically people see more improvements in a shorter time with bigger systems. At Samadhi Healing we have a 24 Unit System.

How long is a session and how many hours will I need?

We have made 2 hours our standard session. There is no maximum exposure, you can sleep in and use the system all day if time permits. If for some reason you would like to try an hour session we can accommodate this as well.

Every person is different. Results will vary greatly depending on the individual and what other holistic approaches they are pursuing. Effects will be cumulative. We do recommend three two hour sessions as a starting point, of course this depends on your time and finances, however the more sessions you purchase the cheaper they become

Does frequency depend on issues?

There is no targeting mechanism or frequency selection for any specific ailment. The technology is designed to provide a field that boosts optimal homeostasis and recharges the entire body on a cellular level for higher function. Systems are recommended to run on provided core settings. Also bearing in mind the body has a hierarchy of needs in relation to healing. You might want to improve or heal a certain condition while your body has other priorities.

How do I best prepare for my Session?

Drink lots of water and have a light meal.
Wear loose, comfortable clothing and wear an eye mask to close the senses. We recommend earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones if you are noise-sensitive.
Come to your session with the clear intention of how you want things to be different in your mind and body.
Please do not use synthetic perfume or deodorant before entering our lounge.

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